Vastu for small plots Apartments

Vastu for small plots Apartments

we will buying/rent a flat in an apartment/individual house  Generally we think that is 2 bedroom  or 3 bedroom,common toilet or bay window or interiors or cost….etc but these are not necessary in Vastu shastra.if any vastu mistakes in that apartment its effects us  after 2 months or after 3 months or at least 6 months. So  People should check the basics vastu principles or consult good vastu expert. We was visited the apartments all flats are not good but some flats are excellent. i.e if a apartment 100 flats, not good all only 30% to 40%  are good.

  small area plots in an apartments constructing between 100 sqft 150 sqft 3 bedrooms, common toilet, dining, puja, wash area ...etc major vastu mistakes are happen in this small area plots. some times measurements are different i.e one side 50feet other side is 20feet this type  plot constructing  2bedrooms are difficult . Buildres are built in this type because plots will sell firstly. but we will live in this plots permanently so careful to buy this type small area plots.  

Vastu for  Apartments

Vastu for  Apartments

Vastu for  Apartments
