No tree for Vastu remedies

We are plant cultivation our home because of oxygen and mind peaceful. Trees/plants are release oxygen at day time some tress are release oxygen at night time in and around 20hrs.     

Night time oxygen releasing plants:

Areca palm,neem tree,peepal tree,orchid,snake plant,aloe vera, tulasi plant...etc


vastu for trees

vastu for trees

vastu for trees

vastu for trees

vastu for trees

vastu for trees

 vastu for trees

one of the plant tulasi release oxygen at night time. Now a days urbanization ,metropolitans ,apartment culture, cities…etc no space to cultivating big trees .we are cultivated only some small trees. Tulasi plant  is very small and comfort to cultivation at our home.  If more space at our home or office as our like any plants cultivation. But big trees are cultivating only South and big trees cultivating at the North and the East. No fear about some trees are bad. 

vastu for trees

No Tulasi kota opposite  at our main entrance door. This tulasi kota stand at beside our door or south side or west side no problem but don’t stand opposite our doors.
Who families living this type of tulasi kota houses they are suffering with backlash. No tree for Vastu remedies.   so careful to handling this small plants/trees.
